Saturday, 12 March 2011

Poster Development

I started by opening a new page, i used custom for an a2 size poster, 420mm x 594mm 

Secondly I imported the photograph of my typographic sculpture in Adobe Photoshop CS5 and using the scale tap I enlarged my photograph to a2 size

To take away shape edges on my current poster I decided to add a filter to give my poster a different feeling, the steps I went through were - I added a cross hatch filter with a stroke length of 18, sharpness of 20 and a strength of 1 

Adding the logo of GF Smith to my poster is simply just a goggled image then copied into Photoshop, using the magic wond I selected the logo its self to get rid of the background and pasted into my poster

I then added grids so my alignment was correct and visual appealing so everything was in place 

I then added my digital typeface, I used an Edwardian script font to keep with the flowing shapes of my poster, also using the grid system again to keep everything inline, the digital type is in three separate layers, Years of - 40pt

Design Museum - 50pt
01-31 July 2011 - 50pt
Both the digital type and GF Smith logo are the same colour (gray) 

This is my basic layout idea for visually appealing layout, I plan to follow this method so it’s easy on the eye

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